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groupsTimelineGroup[][]Define (rows)
itemsTimelineItem[][]Items to display
markersTimelineMarker[][]Markers to display
viewportMinnumberundefinedMinimum timestamp of the viewport (prevents scrolling to before this point)
viewportMaxnumberundefinedMaximum timestamp of the viewport (prevents scrolling past this point)
minViewportDurationnumber60000 (1 min)Minimum duration of the viewport in ms (limits zooming in)
maxViewportDurationnumberundefinedMaximum duration of the viewport in ms (limits zooming out)
initialViewportStartnumberundefinedInitial start timestamp of the viewport (must be greater than or equal to viewportMin)
initialViewportEndnumberundefinedInitial end timestamp of the viewport (must be smaller than or equal to viewportMax)
renderTimestampLabelfunction(timestamp: number, scale: { unit: string, step: number})undefinedCustom function to render timestamp labels
fixedLabelsbooleanfalseWhether to display group labels on top of the timeline
minTimestampWidthnumber100Minimum width a timestamp label should have in px (determines how many timestamps should be displayed)
maxZoomSpeednumber60Limits the wheel event's deltaY value to prevent zooming too fast
activeItemsTimelineItem['id'][][]IDs of items that should have an active class
maxOffsetOutsideViewportnumber50 (px)Items are clamped 50px outside the viewport, so that they cannot become too large