Option | Type | Default | Description |
groups | TimelineGroup[] | [] | Define (rows) |
items | TimelineItem[] | [] | Items to display |
markers | TimelineMarker[] | [] | Markers to display |
viewportMin | number | undefined | Minimum timestamp of the viewport (prevents scrolling to before this point) |
viewportMax | number | undefined | Maximum timestamp of the viewport (prevents scrolling past this point) |
minViewportDuration | number | 60000 (1 min) | Minimum duration of the viewport in ms (limits zooming in) |
maxViewportDuration | number | undefined | Maximum duration of the viewport in ms (limits zooming out) |
initialViewportStart | number | undefined | Initial start timestamp of the viewport (must be greater than or equal to viewportMin) |
initialViewportEnd | number | undefined | Initial end timestamp of the viewport (must be smaller than or equal to viewportMax) |
renderTimestampLabel | function(timestamp: number, scale: { unit: string, step: number}) | undefined | Custom function to render timestamp labels |
fixedLabels | boolean | false | Whether to display group labels on top of the timeline |
minTimestampWidth | number | 100 | Minimum width a timestamp label should have in px (determines how many timestamps should be displayed) |
maxZoomSpeed | number | 60 | Limits the wheel event's deltaY value to prevent zooming too fast |
activeItems | TimelineItem['id'][] | [] | IDs of items that should have an active class |
maxOffsetOutsideViewport | number | 50 (px) | Items are clamped 50px outside the viewport, so that they cannot become too large |
scales | Scale[] | [] | Overwrite the default time unit snapping options (see Timestamps and scale) |